How GenZers can strengthen their intuition to make better decisions

New York-based psychic medium, MaryAnn DiMarco shows you how to receive divine guidance.

Harper's Bazaar India

It’s safe to say, we’re officially in an era where vibe checks supersede everything. GenZers have revitalised spirituality with a renewed belief in energies and a higher power—be it God, the universe, or your spirit guides. In fact, according to a survey by Springtide Research Institute, one in three Gen Z adults aged 18 to 25 say they believe in a higher power. 

From manifestations and vision boards to divine guidance, GenZs are up for being more in tune with their intuition and the universe. Keeping up with the perfect spiritual storm brewing up, Harper’s Bazaar India had an insightful conversation with MaryAnn DiMarco, an internationally renowned psychic medium, author, and spiritual mentor, who guides seekers on awakening divine guidance and intuition through her acclaimed books and teachings. 

Image credits: David Benthal (

In these excerpts, she shares her wisdom to empower individuals in their spiritual journey.

Harper's Bazaar: What is mediumship? How do you know it's real and not just you talking to yourself?

MaryAnn DiMarco: Mediumship is a direct connection to souls who have passed on to the other side. I am able to communicate with souls that have passed on. The only confirmation of me being the one channelling and that it’s not a figment of my imagination comes when relaying messages from departed loved ones. The undeniable proof lies in conveying information I couldn't possibly have known otherwise. The more I do this and see the miraculous ways that spirits can communicate, the more my belief system strengthens in what I do. 

HB: What kind of people can avail of mediumship? What kind of people should not avail of mediumship?

MD: It all boils down to if you can get to a space of inner belief that exists within each one of us, and if you can accept that you are the light and that the light is not separate from you. We're all born with these innate abilities. I can work with anybody, irrespective of their background or fears. If I can guide someone to acknowledge even a small fraction of this truth, I think I assisted them.  

HB: How can you heal people or what are the ways in which you can help someone?

MD: I feel that spirit, working through me, helps them with a variety of things: fear, doubt, all of life's roadblocks, etc. It has also helped people with their ego, enlightenment, and validation of their own spiritual awakening. There's no limit to what spirit can show us if we are willing to learn and receive. 

HB: What does spiritual prescription mean?

MD: The spiritual prescription involves techniques or tools suggested by spirits depending on an individual’s needs. The spirits might suggest meditation for a person who needs help with anxiety or a daily affirmation card to help boost their confidence. I am just a conduit. I never know what I am going to say going in and I never stick to one thing. This keeps my job very interesting. 

HB: How is mediumship different from clairvoyance? 

MD: Clairvoyance is being able to see energy, and spirit on the other side, speaks to the third eye through visuals, signs, and symbols. Clairvoyance is something that a medium uses but not all clairvoyants are mediums. We are all clairvoyant to some degree, we can all see things and dream-state is one of the most common for me. If you are meditating and you see imagery coming in, you are using the third eye in there. Even your imagination is utilising your clairvoyance.

HB: How can we raise our intuition?

MD: The most important thing is to trust that you can do it. Next is establishing a healthy spiritual practice that resonates authentically with you. Whether it's writing or meditation, if you don’t know what works best for you, you can read books on it and learn from spiritual teachers. Explore your clairs in order to trust your psychic ability. There are moments where intuitive insights are present, guiding us towards better decisions. Trusting these intuitive nudges strengthens our psychic connection.

HB: How do I differentiate that from my ego?

MD: The ego will tell you, “Who are you to think that you are a psychic?” You are not psychic.” The ego is going to make you doubt your abilities because it wants to protect you from the unknown.

HB: If ego is trying to protect me, what is intuition trying to do?

MD: Intuition is trying to get you to follow the breadcrumbs and trust what your higher self knows to be true. So if you have a feeling about something, don’t doubt it. If it’s not coming from a space of fear or doubt or indecisiveness in your brain, it’s your intuition. Ego is going to get in there and have you doubt that. Ego is going to come in with fear. 

HB: How does one awaken divine guidance?

MD: Believe in a higher power, because that’s where it’s coming from. And then start with just one spiritual practice that’s authentic to you. Spiritual awakening can be very dismantling, so don’t overwhelm yourself. Start doing things that are nourishing for your body and make you feel an intuitive pull towards them. Pay attention to the themes in your life and what the universe is trying to tell you. For example, if you’ve been thinking that you need to be taking more care of yourself, and then a friend suggests the same thing to you, it's a sign. Embrace these themes, trust the guidance, and say "yes" to the journey without resistance. 

HB: How do you recognise the signs of divine guidance? 

MD: If you are asking for signs, make the signs unique and something that resonates with you. For example, angel numbers may not mean anything to you but those might be the sign for someone else. Once you ask for the sign, don’t keep asking because then we are telling the universe we don’t trust it, and that we need more validation. Once you see the sign, express gratitude by saying you know everything is being handled divinely. But even if you don’t see the sign, express gratitude for you are being protected.  

HB: How does your mentorship programme work?

MD: It depends on the sitter but usually, I work with people until their spirits let us know that it’s time to let them fly on their own. I do five sessions at a time. I love working with my mentor students because I get to develop a really cool relationship with them and I get to see them go from almost not even knowing why they are on this journey to being completely open to everything that spirit has taught them through me.