7 Indian poets on Instagram who will pull at your heartstrings

From love, inspiration, grief, self-help, gender and social norms, art, and more—declutter your social media feed with a poetic fix.

Harper's Bazaar India

Sometimes, all we need are the right words, carefully stringed into sentences of love, loss, grief, and life to break through a feed filled with news, put-on lives of people, and memes. And these poets on Instagram know how best to inspire, intrigue, engross in thought, and cut through the noise and surface. 

Karuna Ezra Parikh (@karunaezara) 

Karuna reaches out to the deepest part of you, the broken, the healed, the one you’ve forgotten, and writes about love and loss in heart-wrenching vulnerability that sings to each and every one. 

Pavana Reddy (@mazadohta) 


A post shared by pavana reddy (@mazadohta)

Pavana’s is a world of vivid imagination and great audacity. Her words come from a deeply personal place, one that is shared by many. 

Amandeep Singh (@amandeep.khayal) 

There’s something about poetry in Hindi that is quite unlike anything written in English, isn’t there? And Amandeep manages to capture the everyday romance perfectly with it. 

Akif Kichloo (@akifkichloo) 


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Akif is inspired by the fractured world around him, and his work is a celebration of the storytelling kind, quite unlike all his other contemporaries. 

Megha Rao (@_megharao) 


A post shared by Megha Rao (@_megharao)

If you’re unafraid, Megha’s poetry is for you. Her words are an ode to unflinching honesty and a world that hasn’t always been fair but she’s reclaimed as her own magical bode. 

Harnidh Kaur (@harnidhk) 

There is no one who explores the world quite like Harnidh to bring out the stories of people we meet often in our lives but also often forget about easily enough. 

Arunoday Singh (@sufisoul) 


A post shared by Arunoday Singh (@sufisoul)

There is poetry in art and art in poetry they say, and Arunoday takes this quite literally with his calligraphic renditions of the shortest, most warm love notes.  

Lead image: Karuna Ezra Parikh, Instagram