It’s time for a sexcation—here’s why it’s what every relationship needs

Hot vacation sex can bring you closer.


I, like many other people who are adulting hard, have a set routine, which mostly involves a long painful commute, dynamic and fast-paced work, and falling asleep feeling like I have officially become a part of the octogenarian club. Everyone I meet is either exhausted...or well, just exhausted. Everyone I meet has a hectic lifestyle.

While sex can feel like a good workout that also relaxes you, if I had that much willpower, you’d see me hitting the gym every day instead of making peace with my fitness app sending me sighs (notifications) of such disappointment. Sex can easily take a backseat when there are so many things draining your energy.

Now imagine, you and your partner, blending two of the most amazing things—sex and vacation. A sexcation is a holiday you take together with a clear intent of spending a good chunk of your vacation canoodling. You check in to a beautiful couple’s retreat, stimulate your senses with a good swim and a spa and then head back to the room to unwind (and undress!) You go out for some dirty dancing, you flirt (give each other a good ego boost) and get ready for the after-party between the sheets.

Going on a sexcation sounds like a dream and I don’t see why anyone should ever say no to it. That said, it can be like chicken soup for your relationship. Here’s how. 

Distraction-free sex means better orgasms

You know when you had a bad day at work, and your thoughts refuse to get over it. Your partner is trying to get you closer to orgasm, but the blissful experience gets penetrated by the disruptive mental images of the email that got everyone riled up. The thing with orgasms is that, more often than not, they start in your head. And if you are not able to focus (it should be just you and your clit in that moment), it’s difficult to get the big Os. Being on a sexcation will serve as the best tool of noise cancellation and help you focus on what matters.

Orgasms bring you closer

According to scientists, when you orgasm, your body releases oxytocin—the love hormone. This hormone is responsible for bonding, and can make you feel closer to your partner. Going on a sexcation will not just bring you better Os but also give you a good dose of love-nip.

Sex can make you less irritable

Between taking a dive into the pool and canoodling with your partner, where is the time for stress to pop its ugly head? A sexcation is so relaxing and thrilling at the same time, that you will be full of happy hormones. It is a scientific fact, that post a good sex session, the level of cortisol (the stress hormone) in your body decreases considerably. You are generally in a happy mood and you tend to feel less irritated with your partner’s quirks. 

Sexcations are conducive to slow sex

If you are on a vacation with the intention of sightseeing, the only sights you will be seeing are going to be outside the bedroom. Between day tours, adventure sports and nights out, the universe will bow down to you if you have the energy even for a quickie. A sexcation on the other hand is all about slowing down. You don’t have to be anywhere, except in your partner’s arms. Slow sex is known to amplify your orgasms (though the route here is more important than the destination) and it improves intimacy. You spend a lot of time cuddling, looking into each other’s eyes, kissing, and caressing instead of rushing through it all.

It allows for uninterrupted experimentation

Experimentation usually involves some sort of prep and time. Being on a vacation allows you to prepare for the day in advance—be it putting together a look for role play or assembling a toolkit of sex toys. You also have ample of time to try out different positions, some of which may bring you pleasure and some bouts of laughter.

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