Emerging Indian artists celebrate nature through their artworks

Emblematic of renewal, revival, and rejuvenation.


An unrestrained use of colour, vivid motifs, and experimentation with materiality—Art Alive Gallery in Delhi played host to 'And Then Came Spring...' (from April 5 to May 15), which showcased the works of five emerging artists, including Meera George, Meghna Patpatia, Mahima Kapoor, Sukanya Garg, and Vandana Kothari.

Drawing inspiration from the magnificence of nature, each of these artists explored myriad aspects of their surroundings through a unique lens of artistic expression, employing a diverse range of mediums and techniques.

As Meera George tackled man-made environmental deterioration via circular compositions reminiscent of flora and fauna from the aquatic ecosystem, Mahima Kapoor’s profound paintings and installations called for the appreciation of nature’s inherent beauty. Sukanya Garg’s layered mixed media creations, on the other hand, inspected the entanglements between mankind and the Universe, while Vandana Kothari’s dotted compositions divulged her thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Meanwhile, Meghna Singh Patpatia investigated the harmony between natural and man-made components through her artistic practice—shining the spotlight on pressing ecological concerns with the use of pen and ink on textured rice paper. 

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