5 unusual signs of anxiety and how to overcome them

Your body gives you signals in unimaginable ways. Listen to it.


We live in a world replete with stressors, triggers, and anxiety-inducing events – all of which have become part of our lifestyles. As per a recent study conducted by The Centre of Healing (TCOH) in Delhi, nearly 88 per cent Indians suffer from anxiety disorder. We don’t realise it, but neglecting stress and anxiety in the initial phases can lead to serious consequences when it comes to our physical and mental health later on. Hence, it’s important to recognise the not-so-obvious signs and symptoms at the start. Take this as your cue to listen to your body and work towards healing yourself. 

Anxiety can come in many forms—it can be apparent in the form of jitters, panic attacks, breakdowns, and more, but it can also make its way into your body and mind through unusual routes. 

Frequent yawning 

While yawning is a sign of tiredness and exhaustion, it also indicates anxiety or depression. Anxiety often affects your respiratory system, heart, and energy levels, and it can lead to excessive yawning. When experiencing an anxiety attack in the form of hyperventilation, your body lacks oxygen and could lead to frequent yawning. It is also a sign of anxiety and depression as a result of anti-anxiety pills or any other stress-relieving medication. So, if you find yourself yawning all too-often without much reason, chances are that you may be overly anxious about something. 

How you can overcome it: The most immediate and effective way to increase the oxygen level in your body is by taking slower, deeper, and calmer breaths. Over time, it will bring back the balance in carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in your body, and chances are you won’t feel like taking a full yawn again. In the long run, however, you may want to consider seeing a counsellor who can help you with a mindful routine to overcome your anxiety. 

Gastrointestinal problems 

Over the years, studies have shown how mental health problems such as anxiety and depression can lead to severe physical health constraints, sometimes, even heart attacks. One of the main physical signs to look out for, however, is gastrointestinal or stomach problems. A paper titled The Microbiota Gut-Brain Axis speaks of the powerful linkage between the gut and the brain. Conditions such as frequent acid reflux, nausea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or diarrhoea can be strong signs of anxiety and your body telling you to do something about it.  

How you can overcome it:
If you’re facing severe digestive problems such as acid reflux and diarrhoea, then we’d definitely recommend seeing a doctor right away. In the long run, changing your diet and avoiding anxiety-inducing foods and drinks such as caffeine, excess sugars, and alcohol might help. If you experience nervous stomach problems, chewing on ginger candy may help overcome it. Additionally, meditating, eating mindfully, and exercising will help you overcome your anxiety. 

Physical numbness and tingling 

Anxiety is also a trigger to one’s fight or flight response. One may experience a tingling sensation (much like pins and needles) in one’s hands and feet. Another sign of anxiety can also be cold feet, and we mean ice-cold feet, which happens as a result of blood flowing away from the far ends of your body towards the vital organs. 

How you can overcome it:
The best way to instantly get rid of the tingling sensation is to do some physical activity which will get the blood flowing to all parts of the body. A light jog, walking around the room, and simple stretches are enough to stop the tingling feeling. For a more permanent solution, you can do deep-breathing exercises and stay regularly hydrated. Visit a psychotherapist if it persists. 


When your mind is constantly stimulated and functioning overtime, falling asleep or getting good quality sleep may be a hard task. If you catch yourself overthinking, on the edge or anxious about something, then it would be nearly impossible for your mind and body to get the rest it needs. If it continues for prolonged periods of time, find out what is causing this—you might want to rule out any medical conditions with a doctor, and reflect on the possible triggers for your sleepless nights. 

How you can overcome it:
Firstly, it’s imperative to have a night-time routine that will help your mind and body relax. This includes activities such as darkening the room, avoiding all devices at least an hour before you sleep, listening to calming music, meditating, and more. Essentially, practice activities that will soothe the mind rather than energise or stimulate it. You can also consult a doctor in case the insomnia gets worse and begins to affect your professional and personal life. 

Burning sensation 

Another unusual symptom of anxiety is experiencing a burning sensation on your lips, skin, and even tongue. This may feel like sunburn. The sensation can go from a gentle prickling feeling to a shooting, painful and burning sensation. 

How you can overcome it:
Keep in mind that this burning sensation can last for up to 20 minutes. You can try and distract yourself from the pain either by deep breathing, exercising, listening to music or calling up a friend. Your body will eventually calm down, and the burning sensation will disappear completely. However, to avoid the repeated occurrence, we would recommend seeking help and guidance on how you can overcome this. 

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